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6 to 7:30 pm Tuesday 23 Sept 2008

Page history last edited by Tom Johnson 16 years, 1 month ago

6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, 23 August 2008- "Newspapers are a 'morning line' tip sheet.  There's isn't enough room for what you need to know."

Newspapers can be a good jumping-off point for political knowledge, but these days they rarely have enough staff, staff time and space to really drill down into a topic.  Ergo, it is increasingly up to citizens to do the research to preserve democracy and help inform voters.  Tonight we will be introduced to some of the city, state and national web sites to help in our reporting and to a few digital tools (think "Bookmarks on steriods.") to help you save and retrieve what you find.


Notes and Topics:

  • Get a laboratory book or keep a file open in Google Documents or Google Notebook.  Key is to keep track of your process, sites, sources and methods.  Think like Edison!

    A resource for Desktop Notekeeping utilities:  http://www.panvasoft.com/eng2/list1/1/5/


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