
Campaign Polls

Page history last edited by Tom Johnson 16 years, 4 months ago
  • National Political Index

    The National Political Index is a web site which provides an index of substantive political information for voters, political activists, political consultants, lobbyists, politicians, academicians, and media editors with a wide range of products, information, services, simulations, games, and polling in an interactive communications environment.  NB: Not complete or always up-to-date, but still a good jumpstation to political race resources.


  • FiveThirtyEight:   

    There are several principal ways that the FiveThityEight methodology differs from other poll compilations: Firstly, we assign each poll a weighting based on that pollster's historical track record, the poll's sample size, and the recentness of the poll. More reliable polls are weighted more heavily in our averages. Secondly, we include a regression estimate based on the demographics in each state among our 'polls', which helps to account for outlier polls and to keep the polling in its proper context. Thirdly, we use an inferential process to compute a rolling trendline that allows us to adjust results in states that have not been polled recently and make them ‘current’.  Fourthly, we simulate the election 10,000 times for each site update in order to provide a probabilistic assessment of electoral outcomes based on a historical analysis of polling data since 1952. The simulation further accounts for the fact that similar states are likely to move together, e.g. future polling movement in states like Michigan and Ohio, or North and South Carolina, is likely to be in the same direction.


  • PollingReport.com

    Site claims: "An independent, nonpartisan resource on trends in American public opinion."


  • RealClearPolitics Poll Averages

    Updated every morning and throughout the day, RCP culls and publishes the best commentary, news, polling data, and links to important resources from all points of the political compass and covering all the important issues of the day. RealClearPolitics has become a trusted filter for anyone interested in politics.


  • USA Election Polls

    A site rich with data, but it is now clear who or what is behind the site.  That said, good up-to-date state poll results, and links related to state and city demographics.


  • Pollster.com

          Polimetrix, founded in 2004 by Stanford Professor Douglas Rivers, is headquartered in Palo Alto, California. We are funded by Alloy Ventures, a leading early stage venture capital investor. The company has assembled a talented staff from the worlds of survey research, political science, applied statistics, and Internet technology.

          Polimetrix is strictly non-partisan. We conduct polls for Democratic, Republican, and Independent consultants, market research agencies, corporate public affairs groups, media organizations, university researchers, and non-profits. Polimetrix is responsible for drawing a sample of respondents, fielding the survey, coding and cleaning the data, sample weighting and variance estimation. The data we provide is quickly and efficiently collected according to precise scientific standards.


  • Project Vote Smart

    A long list of links to polling companies and results.

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